"The wise learn from their own experiences but the truly intelligent will learn from someone else's!" - Benjamin Franklin.

Akbani Informatics: A full-service consultancy for training, and information management. For Information services, Research, Content management, Training, Human Resources, Helpful Advice & Related Services Visit www.akbani.info  

Words of wisdom:
"Remember your weekly mix of activity will vary, depending on how soon you need to be employed, how much time you have to spend on your campaign each week, the economy, the relative difficulty of job finding in your targeted field, and the relative effectiveness of each job search method with regards to your job objective. Good Luck!!!" [source: JobSearch-in-Canada.com]
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12 November 2013

A Four Step Reality Check for Job Seekers

A 4 Step Reality Check for Job Seekers

U.S. News & World Report (blog) November 12, 2013
"I'm just starting my job search," said a newly unemployed executive. "I'm bright, I know that I communicate well, and have lots of contacts in my industry. I'm not like all those other people who are unemployed for the long term. I'm sure that I won't have any difficulty finding my next position."
 Maybe so. But all too often, the axiom "The bigger they are, the harder they fall" applies to highly skilled, knowledgeable professionals who are at the top of their game. Regardless of whether you are just beginning your job search, or have been at it for a while, a serious gut check may be in order. Ask yourself these four questions:
1. Are you self-absorbed or self-aware? 2. Do you have today's required job hunt skills? 3. Are your expectations realistic? 4. Are you prepared for the long haul? continue reading 

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