"The wise learn from their own experiences but the truly intelligent will learn from someone else's!" - Benjamin Franklin.

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Words of wisdom:
"Remember your weekly mix of activity will vary, depending on how soon you need to be employed, how much time you have to spend on your campaign each week, the economy, the relative difficulty of job finding in your targeted field, and the relative effectiveness of each job search method with regards to your job objective. Good Luck!!!" [source: JobSearch-in-Canada.com]
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21 September 2013

Policy Arrogance or Innocent Bias: Resetting Citizenship and Multiculturalism @ Toronto Star

Half a cheer for Jason Kenney's revolution in immigration policy: A new book on Jason Kenney's revolution inside Canada's immigration department shows that anecdote is a lousy basis for policy-making.  By:Natalie Brender, Sep 19 2013, Toronto Star

Andrew Griffith, a retired senior official at Citizenship and Immigration Canada, has just published a book about the tense period beginning in 2007 that saw minister Jason Kenney bring a tidal wave of change to two federal departments. Among the many virtues of Griffith’s book, Policy Arrogance or Innocent Bias: Resetting Citizenship and Multiculturalism, is a striking commitment to epistemological modesty and self-reflection.
Throughout his case studies of various policy issues, Griffith underlines how officials working on multiculturalism and citizenship issues under Kenney were forced to confront their own latent ideologies and grapple with challenges to their expertise under a regime that broke starkly from the approach of previous governments. Continue reading Toronto Star

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the article and mentioning my book.


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