"The wise learn from their own experiences but the truly intelligent will learn from someone else's!" - Benjamin Franklin.

Akbani Informatics: A full-service consultancy for training, and information management. For Information services, Research, Content management, Training, Human Resources, Helpful Advice & Related Services Visit www.akbani.info  

Words of wisdom:
"Remember your weekly mix of activity will vary, depending on how soon you need to be employed, how much time you have to spend on your campaign each week, the economy, the relative difficulty of job finding in your targeted field, and the relative effectiveness of each job search method with regards to your job objective. Good Luck!!!" [source: JobSearch-in-Canada.com]
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17 March 2013

How do I create a Canadian résumé - Suggested Template

Your name and contact:

[Headings help]
Highlights of Qualifications

< Fifty-six percent (56.3%) of respondents of a Ryerson's survey prefer some form of summary statement or a profile over an objective statement >

Education < most recent first, followed by older >

< Professional education (degree, diploma, etc.)  >
< Professional development (certificates, training programs attended, etc.)  >

Work experience

< most recent first, followed by older; may be chronological/by dates or functional/by types of functions; Write your relevant accomplishments and how you achieved using the SAR = Situation, Action and Results -- collaborated with a team of five in data entry for developing a tool kit, based on intensive searching, meeting the deadlines and budgets at ...  >

<  Professional Work Experience  >
<  Other work experience  >
Special interests

Languages Known

Technical / Technological skills

References available upon request
a. Exclude from your Canadian resume: nationality, gender, marital status, date of birth and any other personal identification details (including S.I.N. / Passport number, etc.).
b. Use Keywords: Using keywords that describe your skills and qualifications (i.e., customize every time you submit your resume). You might see such keywods in their job ad you are answering and /or on their (companies') websites.
c. Keep your résumé short. Two page resume is max. One page cover-letter. Number your pages, add a page header/footer with name/email.
d. Change it for each job.
e. Proof read. Proof read. Proof read. Proof read. Proof read (each time you read, after a break, you will find some edit/correction/missing keyword).
f. This template is based on many samples, including settlement.org, workpermit.com, Ryerson's Results of the 2010 Canadian Resume & Interview Trends Survey, and many more in Job Search The Canadian Way

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